CTIBIOTECH is one of the few SME companies in Europe licensed as a human tissue/cell biobank.
The CTIBIOBANK stores cells and tissues which are used internally and with our partners.
Cells/tissues include but are not limited to:
- whole blood
- separated blood populations
- plasma
- progenitor cell populations
- stem cell populations
- primary cancer biopsies
- differentiated cells
- bone marrow
- cord blood
- dental tissue
- skin tissue
- primary skin biopsies
- organ-based tissue
With more than 27 years experience in cell harvesting, manipulation, differentiation, cryopreservation and biobanking, Professor McGuckin is a world expert in this field.
CTIBIOBANK is the official biobank for cancer cells for the 41 Million Euro cancer initiative.
DISCLAIMER: CTIBIOBANK is a RESEARCH-ONLY operation. We do not store tissues for direct human therapy. CTIBIOTECH helps to creat next-generation therapies, but believes that human therapy should always be carried out in a hospital environment with full adherance to the law.