- skin related drugs
- macro cosmetics production
- components testing
- comparison of different ages of skin
- assessment of skin layers
- test of skin from different areas of the human body
- ultraviolet and wavelength effects
- babyskin models
- skin material analysis

Production of skin-related cells and models for drug and cosmetics testing:
We produce from primary skin biopsies, specific models in the micro and macro scales to test components.
We also produce individual cell lines upon demand to specification.

Age-related analyses:
We have in our biobank and through our core partners access to skin samples from age 0 through to 95 years old.

Production of 3-dimensional skin constructs:
CTIBIOTECH is able to create:
- totally artificial layered skin-derived cell models
- integrated primary-biopsy skin with specified cells and components
These have been used already with our partners to model wound-healing, skin-toxicology, ageing, and reversal of scar formation.
Harmonized neural-skin interface assays:
CTIBIOTECH has created tests to specifically analyse the neural-skin interface to model the effects of wound, burns, loss of feeling, reduction and regrowth of neural cells.
Production of Sebocyte and gland models:
CTIBIOTECH is rare in being able to create and grow human sebocyte models.

Hair models:
In 2015 CTIBIOTECH successfully expanded it’s skin range to hair models. From individual follicles to bed-growth with complete bulb and glands.
CTIBIOTECH is proud to contribute to a reduction in the global animal testing and works in line wiht the European Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes.